African Continent

This site gives you facts about the continent of Africa, facts about African countries, population dynamics and demographics major Cities of Africa with their population.



Area, 30221532 km2 (11668598.7 sq mi)
The Current Population of Africa is over 1 billion (1 000 000 000)
Density, 30.51/km2 (about 80/sq mi)
Major City: Cairo (13.000.000 pop.)
Highest Mountain: Kilimanjaro 5895 m
Longest River: Nile 6671 Km
Largest Lake: Victoria 68.100 Km
Largest Island: Madagascar 586.500 Km
       Countries That Makeup African Continent:-
Population dynamics and demographics in Africa.
 Country         % growth Birth rate Death rate    Life expectancy (years) 
                  Rate     (per 1000) (per 1000)        male       female
Algeria             2, 3       28, 5        5, 9         67          70 
Angola             3, 2       47, 7        18, 7          45          48 
Benin              3, 4       46, 0        13, 0          51          55 
Botswana            1, 9       37, 1         6, 6          60          66 
Burkina Faso        2, 7       47, 0        20, 0          44          43